24-Hour Electrical Emergencies
(906) 449-2011
Visit us on X @UPPCO for outage info during storms

Downed Power Lines
Stay away and call us immediately
CALL 911 or (906) 449-2011

Customer Service
Click here to go to Billing and Payment area. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us through one of the options below. We’re happy to help.Residential: (906) 449-2013
Business: (906) 449-2014
Fax: 906-485-2431
Email: customerservice@uppco.com
We will reply to emails as soon as possible. Please do not use email to report emergencies or power outages.

If you misplaced the envelope included in your monthly statement, please mail your payment to the address below.
Please Remember To:
- Enclose the payment stub.
- Write your account number on your check or money order.
- Don’t send cash.
- Sign your check. Don’t staple, paper clip or tape your check
Upper Peninsula Power Company
PO Box 37781
Boone IA 50037-0781

Start/Stop Service

Request Tree Trimming

Rebate Programs and Information
UPPCO is 1 of 16 Michigan Energy Providers who sponsor state-wide rebate and incentive programs for homes and businesses.ee.uppco.com
ee@uppco.comPhone: (906) 449-2222